NB: If you have signed up for Cogo Business Carbon Manager via your bank then you will have access to premium features already included.
How do I pay, and how often?
You will be billed by Xero on a monthly basis. When you choose to upgrade you will be taken to Xero to confirm your payment details and set up the subscription.
How do I cancel Cogo Premium using Xero?
You can cancel your subscription at any time in Xero under "Organisation Settings" -> "Connected Apps".
How do I manage my subscription?
Within the Carbon Manager click on Settings (On the left under your company name) -> Subscription -> Manage Subscription.
Is there a minimum subscription period?
No. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
Can I add more than one organisation?
Yes, each organisation can have its own Premium subscription. You will need to subscribe each organisation individually. If you have a large number of organisations you would like to subscribe, please contact support@cogo.co.