Yes, in most cases your Carbon Report will meet corporate customer needs. The methodology that underpins Carbon Manager is aligned with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol - the global standard for companies and organisations when measuring carbon emissions.
The data in the Carbon Report of most relevance for a customer is the ‘carbon intensity’ of your business. Most corporate customers will multiply this intensity by the amount they spend on products and services supplied by your business, to give an estimated carbon footprint.
Will spend-based reporting be enough?
In terms of the ‘scope’ of carbon footprint, Carbon Manager enables measurement of Scope 1 & 2 and Scope 3 Category 1 emissions. If you have calculated your footprint using only the mapping of spend data it should meet the requirements for many customers, however activity-based data (which Carbon Manager also enables) is the norm for Scope 1 & 2 footprinting for corporate reporting, and many corporates will expect this. Carbon Manager has activity-based functionality to enable businesses to input their actual electricity, gas and fuel usage which provides a more accurate footprint.
What if my customer wants to review my footprint in more detail?
The SME footprint generated in Carbon Manager is capable of being audited - data is traceable back to spend data in the system. The activity-based footprint components will need to be traceable back to invoices. If a customer asks to check the data behind your Carbon Report i.e. to audit this, it is possible for access to be enabled (by you) for an auditor to review your data within the product. This is at your discretion.